The image of Spain as a tourist destination built through Cinema
Ref. GV114/05. Financed by the Conselleria d’Empresa, Universitat i Ciència de la Generalitat Valenciana.
The project arises from a basic premise according to which cinema and its origins has been one of the most effective agents in the construction of the imaginary on the culture and society of the country. A second premise has the concept of tourist destination as a reference. The tourist theory defines it through the scheme FAS -Factors + Attractors + Support- recently revised from a communicative perspective. According to it, the notion of a tourist destination is essentially related to the image that each potential tourist has formed about them from the action of certain communication agents, among which the cinema occupies a primordial place. The third premise alludes to the influence of the social imaginary that cinema has created, which is projected both on the culture and society of one’s own country and on the external perception of it.
Based on these assumptions, the main objective of the project is to determine to what extent the socio-cultural imaginary Spain and how the Spanish has influenced the configuration of our country as a priority destination in the international arena.